Honor System

Training Program

Training Building

Open To The Public

Training season is from April 1st through September 30th. Dawn to dusk. First come basis. 

Quail, Pigeons, Chukar Partridge, Pheasants and Mallards as available.
For bio security no bird carry-ins are allowed. Only use our birds onsite. 

Training Season Rules

$5 per trainer per trip with 1 bird minimum
OR, $10 per dog with no bird purchase
No reservations – first come, first served
Cash or check only
Use at your own risk

Wolf River Game Farm’s training program is a unique resource our reliable and trustworthy customers allow us to offer. The Bird pens are located in our Training Center Building in our south field with Bobwhite Quail, Chukar Partridge, Pigeons, Pheasants and Mallards stocked daily, as available.

Individuals help themselves to birds and pay only for each bird removed from the pens. You are allowed to shoot our birds all year. Training takes place in up to four different locations as marked by signs in those areas.

This allows multiple trainers to work simultaneously. Ponds are located near each area to help during warm weather. We also offer electronic and foot release traps for rent while using our facilities along with various training aids. Strays are FREE of charge. When finished with the training session, pay in the Training Center or go to the clubhouse and complete envelopes provided with the information requested, place the payment (cash or check only) in the envelope, seal and insert into the drop box.