
FROM GREEN BAY (30 MILES) : Take 29 W to 156 go to hwy 47 turn right go ¼ mile turn left on hwy 156 go 7 miles farm is on your right (just after big wooden fence ends on your left).
FROM APPLETON (35 MILES) : Take 47 north to Black Creek continue north on 47 another 11 miles (approx) turn left on hwy 156 go 7 miles farm is on your right (just after big wooden fence ends on your left).
FROM WAUSAU : Take 29 East to Shawano take exit for Hwy 47 / 55 & K. At the end of the ramp turn right going South on K for approx. 10 miles to stop sign. Go left at stop sign for ¼ mile turn left on 156 farm is first place on left.
Special attention is given to a variety of cover to maintain ideal conditions for year-round activities and still hold those late season birds.